Exhibits Policy

Exhibit spaces are for exhibition of paintings, photography, and other two-dimensional art works with the intent to provide educational and cultural enrichment and to provide a space for viewing art of interest to the community.

In presenting exhibits, the library strives to present a variety of opinions and viewpoints; however, the library does not imply endorsement of the beliefs or viewpoints of their subject matter. Exhibits will not be excluded from consideration because of the origin, background, or views of exhibit creators or because of possible controversy. As a public institution committed to diversity and inclusiveness, the library does not promote and celebrate holidays of a religious nature. Exhibits and building decorations are planned to be inclusive of customers of all religions and of no religion.

Exhibit space will be granted free of charge to qualified individuals, groups, or organizations with preference given to Shaker Heights City School District residents and organizations, regardless of their beliefs or affiliations, provided the content of the exhibit is within the broad standards of community acceptability and is appropriate for all age groups.

Exhibit spaces may not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes, solicitation of business, fund-raising, or to display partisan materials which promote current political candidates, campaigns, parties, or issues.

The library retains final authority over the review, selection, content, and arrangement of all exhibitions at library facilities and reserves the right to reject any part of an exhibit or to deny exhibit space to any user whose planned use of the space does not comply with the terms of this policy. The Director shall make the final determination as to whether materials comply with these guidelines.

All exhibits will be considered in terms of the library’s role to provide educational and cultural enrichment.  In approving exhibits, the library will consider space requirements, suitability of subject matter, quality of the presentation, and local or regional interest.

Applications for use of the exhibit space will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. The exhibit period is generally between four and six weeks.

The library reserves the right to determine the schedule of exhibits/displays, including the length and location of exhibits/displays.

All items placed in the library for exhibit are placed at the owner’s risk. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of items displayed or exhibited. All exhibitors will sign a form that releases the library from any responsibility for exhibited items.  If artwork exhibited in the library is for sale, artists are asked to donate 15% of the proceeds from any sale resulting from the exhibit to the Shaker Heights Public Library Fund at the Cleveland Foundation.


Approved by the Shaker Heights Public Library Board of Trustees 3/ 1991, 5/11/2010, 6/18/2012, 5/16/2016, 3/15/2021, 3/21/2022