Information Security Policy

Information security is defined as the administrative, technical, or physical safeguards the Shaker Heights Public Library (“library”) uses to access, collect, distribute, process, protect, store, use, transmit, dispose of, or otherwise handle confidential customer or staff information (“confidential information”).

The library will take every reasonable precaution to ensure that any confidential information that is kept by the library for any purpose is safeguarded from unauthorized access. The library has a responsibility to ensure that the accessing, handling, sharing and disposing of confidential information complies with Confidentiality of Customer Records and Protection of Personal Information Policy of the Shaker Heights Public Library, the Confidential Information Rules for the CLEVNET System, and the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1347. Within the credit cardholder data environment, the library will also comply with the latest revision of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

This policy covers all electronic information resources in the library. It applies equally to network servers, workstations, both staff and public access, network equipment, telecommunications equipment, and peripherals, such as printers, within the library. The policy applies to all library staff, volunteers, and contract workers using the library’s computer resources.


Under the guidance of the Library Director, the Digital Services Manager and the IT Support Specialist will be designated to oversee the library’s information security program. They will address potential risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of confidential information that could result in a compromise. The Digital Services Manager and the IT Support Specialist must ensure that the following standards are met on every computing system, equipment, or network with access to confidential information:

  • Secure computing systems, equipment, and networks with confidential information
  • Restrict physical and login access to authorized users
  • Maintain up-to-date software patches and anti-virus software
  • Ensure and maintain complete system backups
  • Enable and use host-based firewalls if available
  • Perform regular security scans on computing systems, equipment, and networks
  • Provide training, or at least written training materials, to all staff, volunteers, and contract workers in the appropriate use of the network, awareness of the possible effects of misuse or unauthorized use of computer resources, and the consequences of any unauthorized use.

Authorized Users

Authorized users may be staff members, volunteers, and contract workers. They are responsible for confidential information in their custody. Maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and regulatory compliance of confidential information stored, processed, or transmitted at the library is a requirement of all authorized users. All authorized users with access to confidential information will:

  • Be assigned a unique user ID and initial password according to established procedure to gain access to network resources. Users must not share or disclose unique user IDs/passwords unless the user ID is already designated as a departmental “shared” user ID/password.
  • Notify their manager and the Digital Services Manager or the IT Support Specialist immediately if confidential information, passwords, or other system access control mechanisms are lost, stolen, or disclosed or suspected of being lost, stolen, or disclosed.
  • Restrict physical access to laptop computers when the user is physically away from the computer by locking the door or using security cables or devices.
  • Secure all staff computers by using a screen saver or built-in lock feature when the user physically walks away from the work space.
  • Maintain possession or control of mobile devices to the extent possible to reduce the risk of theft and unauthorized access.
  • Secure computers and mobile devices with passwords and/or two-factor authentication for highly sensitive information.
  • Use secure methods to transfer confidential information. CLEVNET-provided email systems are enabled with encryption capabilities on demand.
  • Not intentionally damage, alter, misuse any library owned or maintained computing systems, equipment, or networks.

Library Managers

Library managers, with guidance or direction from the Digital Services Manager or IT Support Specialist, are ultimately responsible for ensuring that this Information Security policy and individual responsibilities are clearly communicated to staff and are adequately followed. Specific responsibilities of library managers include:

  • Ensuring staff understand the danger of malicious software, how it is generally spread, and the technical controls used to protect against it.
  • Informing the IT Support Specialist and Digital Services Manager of the change in status of staff, volunteers, or contract workers who use the library computer resources. This could include a position change (providing greater or more restricted access privileges) or termination of library employment.


  • The Digital Services Manager, the IT Support Specialist, and CLEVNET IT are responsible for maintaining the security of the computer. All authorized users of the system are responsible for following all policies and procedures in this policy.
  • Server security shall be exclusively controlled by the Digital Services Manager, the IT Support Specialist, and CLEVNET IT. Access to server security mechanisms by all other users without prior authorization shall be considered unauthorized access.
  • All users must be authenticated to the network before accessing network resources.
  • Users may not log into library resources with the intention of providing access to any other user including staff members, volunteers, or contract workers.
  • Use of network hardware or software such as traffic monitors/recorders and routers shall be restricted to network management or a designated administrator.
  • Security training shall be integrated into existing library training programs such as orientation programs for new employees or volunteers, in the use of computers, software and network information resources.
  • Incident logs and subsequent security reports will be generated and reviewed on a regular basis.


When users fail to comply with this policy, confidential information that is stored, processed, or transmitted on the Shaker Heights Public Library network may be exposed to the unacceptable risk of loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Violations of security guidelines and procedures established to support this policy will be promptly investigated and could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or termination of rights to use the computer resources.


Any actual or suspected security breaches involving confidential information must be reported immediately to the Digital Services Manager, IT Support Specialist, Library Director, or Deputy Director. Incident response procedures will be initiated to identify the suspected breach, remediate the breach, and notify appropriate parties.

Approved by the Shaker Heights Public Library Board of Trustees 2/13/2017, 3/19/2018, 3/20/2023