
As a Shaker Library and CLEVNET cardholder, you can access high quality databases of full text periodicals from within the library and from home. Cardholders in good standing also have access to databases provided by OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network). Additionally, Shaker Heights Public Library purchases some databases that only Shaker cardholders are able to access from home. For your convenience, those databases are also included in this list.

Please have your library card number and password/PIN available to access these resources from home. Please note that access to some databases is restricted for use only within the Library. Those databases will be listed with a note (In-Library Use Only).

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To Browse Research Tools A to Z

To Browse Research Tools by Topic

Automotive and Consumer Info

Books, Arts, and Literature

Business, Law, and Finance

Education, Languages, and Careers


General Reference

Health and Medicine

History and Biography

Magazines, Newspapers, and Journals

Science and Technology

Students and Homework

Power Search from the Ohio Web Library

The Ohio Web Library, a statewide resource, is an evolving collection of thousands of online publications and research resources. The Ohio Web Library includes: popular magazines, trade publications, scholarly research journals, newspapers from Ohio and the nation, encyclopedias, dictionaries, speeches, poems, plays, maps, satellite images of Ohio, and more.