Shaker Authors


The Shaker Authors Collection contains published works by authors who are from or live in Shaker Heights. These works are available to use in the library. We gratefully accept donations of works by Shaker Authors. Are you a Shaker Author whose work isn’t yet in our collection, or do you know someone who is? Let us know!

Below is an incomplete list of Shaker Authors, organized alphabetically by last name, that has not been updated in some time. In the meantime please view Shaker Author books cataloged in LibraryThing, or search using our Public Library catalog.


Randall, Jo Anne Yarus
Randle, Bill
Randleman, Thomas
Ratner, Austin
Ray, George B.
Reese, Ilinda M.J.
Reisman, Arnold
Reisman, Ellen
Roach, Sandra
Robenalt, James D.
Robinson, Paris
Rocker, Linda
Roeder, Tres
Rogers, Ellen
Roizen, Michael
Romano, Renee Christine
Rosegger, Gerhard
Rosenberg, Donald
Rosenberg, Janet
Roth-Douquet, Kathy
Routman, Regie
Rubin, Penni
Ruhlman, Michael
Russell, Joan Plummer
Rzepka, Peter, Fred, and Harry


Sackman, Susan
Sadowsky, Jonathan
Sax, Leonard
Scharf, Michael P.
Schoenberger, E. Henry
Schott, John
Schultz, Connie
Schulz, Kathryn
Schwartz, Bobbie
Schwartz, Marian
Schwarz, Ted
Schwarz, Terry
Scism, Carol K.
Scott, Sabrina
Segall, Annette L.
Segall, Grant
Seidenfeld, David A.
Seidman, Irving
Sgro, Valentina
Sharlitt, MichaelShelton, Obed
Shorrock, William I.
Shulman, Alix Kates
Silber, Jeannette M.
Silver, Abba Hillel
Silverberg, Selma K.
Silverman, David
Simon, Leslie
Simon, Scott
Sindell, Gerald Seth
Singer, Katie
Singham, Mano
Smith, Diambu
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Rick
Spadoni, Robert
Stauffer, Dwight G.
Stein, Herman D.
Steinberg, Theodore
Stevenson, Nancy Comey
Stokes-Hammond, Shelley
Stone, Miriam R.
Strachan, James L.
Straffon, Cary Higley
Sturman, Jennifer
Swiger, Michael
Swiniarski, S.A. (aka Swann, S.A).
Symon, Michael


Takacs, Carol Addison
Talbott, Strobe
Tarver, Whitney B.
Tayer, Kellie Bellamy
Taylor, Nellie Ruby
Templeman, Donald I.
Terry, Celeste E.
Terry, Larry D.
Thobaben, Robert G.
Thomas, Samuel S.
Thomas, Sylvia
Thornton, Willis
Thrope, Jan
Tipton-Martin, Toni
Tolliver, Gabriel
Trace, Arther S.
Trubek, Anne
Turner, Megan Whalen