Friends of the Shaker Library 
Would you like to volunteer with the Friends?
Friends of the Shaker Library proudly supports the Shaker Library through:
Participation in Community Events
The Friends organization promotes the Library through its participation in city-wide events to increase awareness of the library and its services to the community.
Programs for the Community
Friends funds library-sponsored programs, such as author and illustrator visits, poetry readings, and the popular Summer Reading Program for families.
Semiannual Book Sales
Volunteers are welcome to sort books, set-up for the book sale, and to work during sale hours. Book Sales are typically held in October and April depending upon seasonal holidays. Interested volunteers are encouraged to call the library and leave their names and telephone numbers.
Membership & Fund-raising
Membership levels range from $20 for individual memberships to $100 for patron memberships and are tax deductible. Remittance envelopes are available at the Circulation Desk. In addition to membership drives, books sales and never-ending sales of used books at each library, Friends also sells a variety of merchandise, including tote bags and coffee mugs at the Library Circulation Desks.